What is colostrum?

Colostrum, also called the first-milk or pre-milk, is produced by mammals towards the end of pregnancy and into the first few days after delivery. Colostrum is rich in antibodies (immunoglobulins), growth factors such as insulin-like growth factors (ILGFs) and fibroblast growth factors and other immune components such as lactoferrin and lysozymes. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and other important nutrient.

Bovine colostrum has been proven to be safe for human consumption and it contains immunoglobulins specific for many of human pathogens. In fact, before the age of antibiotics, colostrum was widely used to treat infections. The components of colostrum also stimulate tissue and cellular growth, which is important for the developing gastrointestinal of a newborn.

For further details do visit: http://www.colostrumresearch.org